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Stay aligned with EU regulations: offer seamless internet switching

Comply to EECC with internet switching

The European Electronics Communications Code (EECC) is a law for European telecom providers, introduced in 2018. This set of rules aims to modernize and harmonize European telecommunication markets and protect customers. Seamless internet service switching is a key aspect of the EECC, but its necessity is often overlooked. Let’s explore why easy switching between internet providers should be implemented sooner rather than later. 

While practically every EU member state offers number portability (as imposed through the EECC), internet switching is not always provided. Specifically, the EECC requires providers to offer an easy way to change internet subscriptions. Providers have to offer adequate information about switching and ensure continuity of internet access until the switch is made. The country’s regulatory authority is responsible for an efficient and simple process (Article 106 of the EECC). 

Since the EECC doesn’t define internet switching as strictly as number portability, this service is not as widely implemented. At the same time, the EECC applies the same rights and obligations to both processes – including a customer's right of compensation when terms and quality levels of switching aren't met (Article 105). That reason alone makes it vital to implement an internet switching solution and ensure EECC compliance.

Providing a switching service not only helps to comply, but also improves your overall quality of service. It allows the customer to change providers effortlessly, avoiding double subscription costs and service interruptions.

Seamless internet switching: this is how you do it

It’s best practice to put the new provider in the lead when implementing a switching solution, which is also recommended by the EECC (Article 106, point 6). The new provider runs the proper authentication with the customer, and in turn requests the switch to the current provider – preferably through a central system. 

As soon as the current provider confirms the request and sends approval through the same system, the new internet subscription can be activated and the old contract terminated. This is seamless service switching, allowing the customer to subscribe to a new provider without outages or costs overlap.

Using an intelligent, central system for internet switching lets you implement an industry wide process, standardized by business rules that can’t be overridden. In turn, it makes the solution transparent, simple and efficient – for operators, regulators and customers alike. System reports enable regulators to monitor the usage of the switching process and enforce regulations when needed. Compliance with the EECC is ensured.

Would you like to know more on effectively implementing the EECC requirements, or about implementing a service switching solution? Don’t hesitate to contact us! 

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