Read all about the partnership between KPN and PXS
Number Portability Gateway

KPN and PXS: a strong partnership

PXS and KPN have been working together since 2010, when PXS was selected to provide KPN’s portability service. It was the start of a long-standing and fruitful partnership with the largest telecom operator of the Netherlands. We spoke to KPN representatives Jigo van Haperen and Gerlof Trinks about the origins and nature of this collaboration.

PXS provides a variety of services to KPN, centered on facilitating all porting transactions between KPN and the Dutch number portability platform. This solution is also known as a number portability gateway.

“Additionally, PXS also facilitates the porting processes for our wholesale partners, a number of Dutch mobile service providers”, Gerlof Trinks explains. “PXS provides them with a branded platform to handle number portability and supports their end users to effortlessly complete a porting.”

Besides these more hands-on services, Trinks points out how PXS is an important consultative partner: “PXS keeps track of our porting transactions and associated statistics. This data is of great value and a huge source of information when specific challenges come up.”

"PXS provides our wholesale partners with a branded platform to handle number portability." 

Providing flexibility

The long-standing partnership started about 15 years ago, when PXS was selected to implement a porting solution for KPN. “Although larger IT parties also participated, PXS turned out to be the best fit”, Jigo van Haperen says. “In a large organization like KPN there are a lot of moving parts, requiring flexibility for changing scenarios. We have to move along with new laws and regulations, which is something PXS can accommodate.”

That was apparent with the introduction of the European Electronics Communications Code (EECC), bringing about changes in the Dutch porting process. Because of its SaaS solution, PXS actively adapted to these changes – not only to accommodate KPN, but a broad customer group.

"We have to move along with new laws and regulations, which is something PXS can accommodate."

Van Haperen says: “But PXS not only supports us with our existing solutions. We need new solutions on a regular basis, which is something they provide, too.”

Trinks agrees, underlining the responsiveness of PXS. “They are easy to reach, to discuss issues and most importantly: how to solve them. In summary, PXS responds to our needs well.”

First project

The implementation of the original porting solution was a large project, with most of the work going in to connecting KPN’s complex environment to the PXS solution.  

“An interesting topic of conversation was how to make our platforms speak the same language”, Van Haperen explains. “How do you switch from an old environment to a new one, with orders that have been started in one system and have to be completed in another? Eventually, we opted for a hybrid solution, before migrating fully.”

Here, the flexible way of working turned out to be a great help. “In other projects, we were used to describe exactly what we wanted, down to every small detail, and

sign for that”, Van Haperen says. “But that’s when the trouble starts – if something changes or doesn’t go according to plan, it has a huge impact in terms of the timeline, resources and results.”

"With PXS, we could work flexibly towards a satisfying live version."

He continues: “With PXS, we also described the solution thoroughly, but we didn’t pin it down to the smallest details. That way, we could work more flexible towards a satisfying live version.” 

Trinks adds: “It was actually the first step to an agile way of working, while at the time, that was not the usual approach. And because it was so succesful, we could use this method more often in future projects."

Mutual understanding

There have never been any major issues between KPN and PXS, which has everything to do with a mutual understanding, observes Trinks: “When something comes up, we just sit down and find a solution. PXS has never just told us something isn’t possible; they always think with us.”

"It’s great to have PXS as a knowledge partner to consult when I need information. Their fast and flexible way of working is invaluable.”

Of course, that doesn’t mean the partners never had their differences. “We all understand disruptions and IT issues can occur”, Van Haperen says. “But when that happens, timely and adequate communication is of great importance. At one point, we experienced some issues with this, due to a change of teams. Fortunately, those challenges got resolved quickly.”

He concludes: “Currently, I’m happy all processes are running smoothly and that I don’t have to check up on anything. It’s great to have PXS as a knowledge partner to consult when I need information. Their fast and flexible way of working is invaluable.”


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